KP Ad Hoc Committee On Review And Reform Holds Meeting In Paris

Following the ambitious reform agenda set in Brisbane, the Kimberley Process (KP) Ad Hoc Committee on Review and Reform (AHCRR) held its first in-person meeting on April 20th 2018 on the sidelines of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Forum on responsible mineral supply chains in Paris.

The focus was primarily on the work of the sub-teams on the four areas identified in the Administrative Decision. The AHCRR has been given a mandate to review the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) core document, improve the peer-review mechanism, and examine ways to enhance administrative and financial support to the KP, including consideration of a secretariat and a voluntary multi-donor fund.

Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) core document, improve the peer-review mechanism, and examine ways to enhance administrative and financial support to the KP, including consideration of a secretariat and a voluntary multi-donor fund.

Reform is at the very heart of the EU’s Kimberley Process chairmanship this year. The EU chair wishes to encourage all efforts to modernise the KP and reinforce its efficiency.

The AHCRR prepared the ground for its work at the Intersessional meeting in Antwerp on June 18th-22nd. The AHCRR will present conclusions and any draft decisions on these tasks to the Plenary in Brussels later this year.

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