Grib Joins Sarine’s Diamond Journey Traceability Programme

Grib Diamonds, the Belgian rough diamond company owned by AGD Diamonds with mining operations in Russia, has joined the Sarine Diamond Journey™ traceability programme and will offer customers stones with “birth-registrations” authenticating their origin.

The Grib diamond mine operated by AGD Diamonds in Russia has an estimated reserve of 60 million carats. Grib uses Sarine technology to sell its stones through an online auction system, providing its customers with comprehensive data pertaining to the quality of the offered assortments. For higher value stones, Grib provides an external modelling created by Sarine’s DiaExpert® system, an internal inclusion map created by the Galaxy® system, and a Sarine Advisor® planning file allowing potential buyers to assess possible optimal polishing solutions.

Grib will now augment these data with another layer of valuable information — the registration of the diamond’s origin and other pertinent information, as derived at source. This will enable their midstream manufacturing customers to provide their downstream retail clients with fully documented traceable diamonds from the mine and throughout the polishing process.

Igor Prokhorenko, Managing Director of Grib, said: “The consumer demand for sustainably sourced traceable diamonds is increasing rapidly, and we believe that the transparency provided by technology-based tracking is the best solution to respond to this challenge and enable our industry to continue prospering.”

David Block, CEO of Sarine Technologies, commented: ”Expanding the list of rough producers implementing our traceability paradigm at source is important as it is the enabling prerequisite to facilitate the growing number of retailers complying with consumer demand for verifiable traceability information.”

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