De Beers’ Gahcho Kué Mine Spends C$2 Billion+ With NWT & Indigenous Businesses

Best Jewellery Magazines India by Solitaire International magazine

De Beers Group and Mountain Province Diamonds have announced a significant milestone for their joint venture, the Gahcho Kué mine. Since the mine’s construction began in 2015, procurement spending with businesses in the Northwest Territories (NWT) has surpassed C$2 billion.

This achievement represents 61% of the total C$3.2 billion spent on procurement for the mine, aligning with Gahcho Kué’s commitment to source at least 60% of its goods and services from companies located in the NWT.

Avischen Moodley, Country President – De Beers Canada, said: “This major economic milestone highlights the value Gahcho Kué brings to Indigenous communities, businesses, and the territory. Our NWT business partners continue to demonstrate their ability to provide world-class goods and services that are essential to the successful operation of the mine.”

NWT and Indigenous businesses provide a wide range of goods and services to Gahcho Kué, including welding, transportation logistics, trucking support, passenger and cargo flights, labour services and camp catering.

Mark Wall, CEO of Mountain Province Diamonds, said: “Since the mine began, Gahcho Kué has had an impressive track record of socio-economic contributions and environmental stewardship in the NWT. That track record continues to strengthen, with Gahcho Kué recording its highest ever level of spending with NWT businesses in 2023.”

According to the NWT Bureau of Statistics, diamond mining is the largest contributor to the NWT’s Gross Domestic Product, representing C$588 million of the territory’s C$4.25 billion GDP in 2023.

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